Who is Eric Su?

Eric Su

Web3 Dev

Hi, I'm Eric Su. I'm a fullstack developer(frontend-focused) with a background in finance, sales, and payments.

Day to day, I use Typescript, React, Node.js, Next.js, and Tailwind.css.

I enjoy building Decentralized Applications and contributing to open source projects on Solana. Open to build on other blockchains or other crypto/web3 related tools and infrastructures.

For databases, I'm familiar with MySQL like Postgres and NoSQL like MongoDB.

Current Projects 2023

  • A multisig tool on Stellar
  • A another DAO platform on Stellar's smart contract platform Soroban
  • A complete no-code DAO Platform and parachain on Polkadot

Past Projects

  • I built the entire frontend for GenesisDao on Polkadot in 2023
  • I worked on Jet Protocol's frontend and SDK for a year from 2021-2022. At peak, we had $50M total value locked. It's 100% open source.
  • I built an application where we display curated electronic music events in NYC. I used Next.js and Sanity.io as the headless CMS.
  • I designed and implemented the UI of a users reviews microservice.
  • I redesigned the APIs of a photo gallery microservice to accommodate 100MM primary records.
  • I built a RTMP server in Node and transcoded streams into HLS using FFmpeg to display live streams to viewers